Monday, October 8, 2012

Did God Just Speak to Me?

So did I just hear from God? This is a question that is so often asked. How do we really know when God has spoken to us? Is it as hard as we make it? God speaks to His people today without question, but we at times struggle to determine if it is really Him or if we even have the capacity to hear from Him. Jesus said His sheep know His voice (John 10). Knowing when God speaks is primarily a learning to recognize His voice. We learn to recognize the voice and communication style of anyone we are in relationship with and that is the same with God. We can know when He speaks to us.

But how? Are there things we need to be aware of and do? What if I am simply not sure it is God? That is perfectly normal. Quite often we can mistake our own thoughts and ideas for God speaking. And, God has instructed us to "test the spirits to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1). There are some basic questions I like to consider when determining if what I just heard or felt is really from God.

1. Is this leading consistent with God’s character as revealed in His Word?
a. “Revelation” does not carry the same weight as Scripture and will never replace or supercede Scripture.

2. Do my closest friends and spiritual mentors sense this to be God’s leading in my life as well?
a. “If a leading creates unrest in the spirit of mature Christian friends or counselors as you share it with them, question it. If a leading requires you to shatter family relationships or important friendships, question it. If a leading requires you to go deeply in debt or place someone else in a position of awkwardness, compromise, or danger, question it. I am not saying you should automatically reject such leadings (unless they are also against Scripture), but reconsider them and treat them very carefully.” (Hybels 1998, 165)

3. Even if it may be tough, does my spirit tell me I am doing the right thing? Do I have a genuine peace?

4. Is this leading self-serving and self-promoting or does it call me to serve others? Is God calling me to humble myself and serve others?

5. As I begin to step out in obedience to this leading, is God’s Spirit confirming it in my heart? Do I see this standing the test of time or is this rash?

6. What circumstances have confirmed that this leading is God’s will for my life? Do I have the gifts and abilities needed for the task?

7. What is likely to be the outcome of this leading? Will it bring glory to God? 

#1 is paramount. God is never going to contradict His written word. If the "leading" fails test one don't even go through the other 6. But, friends, know this. God is speaking to His people today. He desires to speak to you in the same way you speak to Him. Be open and receptive to hear the voice of the Lord. He is speaking...are we listening?


Julie said...

Very good post! I like your last paragraph:

"#1 is paramount. God is never going to contradict His written word. If the "leading" fails test one don't even go through the other 6. But, friends, know this. God is speaking to His people today. He desires to speak to you in the same way you speak to Him. Be open and receptive to hear the voice of the Lord. He is speaking...are we listening?"

I find that He speaks to me through His Word. It is so important that we immerse ourselves in the Word and then we can know if what we believe He is saying to us is from Him or our own desires.

Julie@My Favorite Pastime

Renee said...

Great questions to guide anyone who is in confusion! Thanks for sharing this with us. Blessings!

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