Time for some transparency. I have made so many mistakes in ministry since starting in 1997. I thought I would outline what I consider my biggest ones in this blog. This is not an all -nclusive list as there are years of ministry still ahead. Neither is this list in any particular order. I simply felt prompted to share these with you.
1. I have been guilty of trying to have ministry establish my personal relationship with Christ. Can never happen. It is much better to minister out of your relationship with Christ.
2. I have viewed people and tasks in the same way. Not healthy. Tasks deserve efficiency. People deserve effectiveness.
3. I have treated everyone the same. I have learned the way I communicate with someone needs to be adapted based on my relationship with them.
4. I have forgotten that everyone is the apple of God's eye, and the pride and joy of their parents. I really blew this one in youth ministry.
5. I have taken on a Messiah complex. My job is to lead people to the Savior, not be their savior.
6. I have ministered out of preconceived ideas instead of God's Word.
7. I have assumed my own greatness and not been teachable. Not being teachable renders me unable to teach.
8. I have done ministry without God's involvement. At times I didn't even check with Him at all.
9. I have viewed people as enemies instead of allies.
10. I have burned bridges with my words and actions that had taken blood, sweat and tears to build.
11. I have taken myself way too seriously.
12. I have underestimated myself.
13. I have given more attention to the kingdom of darkness than I have to the Kingdom of God.
14. I have forced my agenda while calling it vision.
I am sure this list will grow. For now I will stop. Hopefully my mistakes will help someone.
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